25 April 2024

12:00 - 15:15

Neuripides meeting (team members only)

12:00 - 13:00

Registration + Lunch Buffet

13:00 - 13:05

Welcome address
Robert Jech

13:05 - 13:15

David Linden

13:15 - 14:45

Updates from groups I
15 min presentation + 15 min discussion

13:15 - 13:45


13:45 - 14:15


14:15 - 14:45


14:45 - 15:45

  Coffee break  

15:15 - 17:15

Public part

15:15 - 15:45

iRBD and the quest for prodromal Parkinson disease
Petr Dušek

15:45 - 16:15

Advances in brain circuit interventions
Andreas M Lozano

16:15 - 16:45

Specific neuronal activitiy in STN
Robert Jech

16:45 - 17:15

Clinically silent predictors of DBS-related complications and their prevention
Pavel Filip

17:30 - 18:00

Executive board meeting

26 April 2024

09:00 - 10:45

Public Part
Patient's representatives &
scientific program

09:00 - 09:15

Decision making during planning and execution of a research project
Monique Bosman

09:15 - 09:30

PD patient's society in the Czech Republic
Romana Skála Rosenbaum

09:30 - 10:00

Deep brain stimulation for tremor in movement disorders: VIM, ZI or both?
Filip Růžička

10:00 - 10:30

Effect of deep brain stimulation on cognition and activities of daily living in PD
Ondřej Bezdíček

10:30 - 10:45

 Coffee break 

10:45 - 12:15

Neuripides meeting (team members only)
Updates from groups II
15 min presentation + 15 min discussion

10:45 - 11:15


11:15 - 11:45


11:45 - 12:15

Josef Mana, Dimitra Kiakou


Closing remarks
David Linden and Robert Jech


Farewell Lunch Buffet