Neuroproteomics & Systems Biology
Neuroproteomics has vast potential to reveal complex and novel mechanisms contributing to neurological disorders, identify biomarkers for diagnosis and monitoring of disease, and improve our ability to deploy both existing therapeutics and future drug targets to ameliorate or resolve CNS disorders.
This multidisciplinary six‐day course (three days online (former Dublin), two and a half days in Lille) covers different aspects related to proteomics and systems biology and new developments in proteomic techniques, and its underlying mechanisms. It will as well look at the ever‐increasing way of analysing data and how to integrate proteomics with different methods at a systems biology level. We will particularly focus on neuroproteomics, and thus on the special features that are inherent to proteomic applications in neuroscience.
The aim of this workshop is to provide a broad view on current analytical, methodological, and conceptual advances in neuroproteomics to understand CNS disorders and advance our knowledge for possible therapeutic interventions.
The three days online (former Dublin) will cover the basic techniques as well as cover topics related to: digging deeper into the proteome by using enrichment techniques, new developments in the mass spectrometry field, data analysis and data integration. Both, basic and clinical research will be showcased to provide broad room for new projects and collaboration. All participants are encouraged to bring a poster of their work, whether they are already working in the field or not, to enable discussion and identification of networking opportunities.
The two and a half days in Lille will focus on presenting, practicing and discussing new techniques and methods. In addition, participants will be encouraged to bring their own samples that will be used for different technical analyses. A group discussion will highlight preliminary results, giving new insight and fostering a collaborative network.
More information:
The course is mainly intended for PhD students and junior post‐docs. However, second year master students with a strong motivation to pursue a PhD may attend.
Sponsored by:
PRISM LaboratoryPRISM LaboratoryCité Scientifique 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq France