Digital Humanities Project in Collaboration with the NIOD institute
In my research project I argue that the NIOD institute must include all the geographical information mentioned in every source within their dataset during the current digitization process of their archives with Transkribus. Why is this information crucial for future historical research? Because location matters. However, doing this is more easily said than done. Where can you find geographical information within these letters? How should one organize what they find? And how could this be done in a consistent way? Answering these questions was the aim of this research project.
Curious about the results? I’m happy to present my findings at the conference!
Political history today: exploring new themes
Researchschool Political
Researchschool Political Historybureau@onderzoekschoolpolitiekegeschiedenis.nl
Political history today: exploring new themesPolitical history today: exploring new themes0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Conference venue: KNAW TrippenhuisConference venue: KNAW TrippenhuisKloveniersburgwal 29 1011JV Amsterdam Netherlands