Welcome to
the Kick-off of POP-AART lab
new AI-strategies for improving radiotherapy
On April 20 2022, the Netherlands Cancer Institute, University of Amsterdam (UvA), and Elekta will officially launch their partnership for Online Personalized AI-driven Adaptive RT. Within this POP-AART lab they collaborate on the development of new AI strategies for the further improvement of precision radiotherapy. This concerns the personalization of treatment by improving the quality of imaging used during treatment, predicting and accounting for changes in the patient’s anatomy over time, and automatically adapting radiation delivery each time a patient is treated.
Date: April 20, 2022
Time: 15:30 - 17:00
Location: Online
Link: https://player.cloud.wowza.com/hosted/0n6q3vyw/player.html
15:30-15:35: Welcome
15:35-16:00: Prof. dr. David Jaffray; Chief Technology and Digital Officer, Professor, Radiation Physics and Imaging Physics at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
16:00-16:15: Ir. drs Maurits Wolleswinkel; Chief Product Officer Elekta
16:15-16:40: Prof. dr. ir. Mihaela van der Schaar; John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Medicine at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute in London.
16:40-16:50: Overview of the POP-AART-lab; By Prof. dr. ir. Jan-Jakob Sonke and Dr. Efstratios Gavves.
Jan-Jakob Sonke is theme leader Image-guided Therapy at the Netherlands Cancer Institute and Professor by special appointment of Adaptive Radiotherapy at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Amsterdam.
Efstratios Gavves is Associate Professor of Computer Vision at the Informatics Institute, Faculty of Science at the University of Amsterdam.
16:50-17:00: Official opening of the lab by Prof. dr. René Medema; Chairman of the Board, Director of Research, Netherlands Cancer Institute, and Prof.dr.ir Alfons Hoekstra, Director of the Informatics Institute, Faculty of Science at the University of Amsterdam
More information
How the Netherlands Cancer Institute, University of Amsterdam, and Elekta collaborate on new AI strategies for the improvement of precision radiotherapy can be read on this website.
Research topics can be found on the POP-AART lab website.
If you happen to have any questions concerning this livestream event, please contact conference@uva.nl
POP AART Opening lab
POP AART Opening labcongres@uva.nl
POP AART Opening labcongres@uva.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/popaartlab
POP AART Opening labPOP AART Opening lab0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced