Free Live Web-Seminar
Thursday February 25th
Smart Function Kit for joining and pressing applications
Save up to 80% of your engineering time!
Plug & Produce
Do you also think that engineering processes consume an unnecessary amount of time? With our Plug & Produce approach, you can save up to 80% of your engineering time in our Smart Function Kit for a wide range of standardized tasks in the area of joining and pressing.
Live demo
Experience in our free web seminar with live demo what our pre-configured complete package of mechanical and electrical components plus pre-installed software can do!
Preconfigured function blocks
Interested? Register now and learn how to use the Smart Function Kit and integrate it into your machine control. And how preconfigured function blocks replace tedious programming! The highlights of this live demo: our fieldbus building blocks for immediate integration into the higher-level control system – be it from us or a third-party manufacturer!
Morning or afternoon session
Thursday, February 25th
Session 1: 9.00 - 09.45 (CET)
Session 2: 15.00 - 15.45 (CET)
Moderator and specialist
Our web-seminars are presented in English by a moderator and a technical specialist to the topic. You can ask questions via chat during the web-seminar. The web-seminar can be accessed via your internet browser and is hosted via Adobe Connect.
We look forward to your participation!
Web-Seminar Smart Function Kit (25 February)
Web-Seminar Smart Function Kit (25 February)
Web-Seminar Smart Function Kit (25 February)webinar@boschrexroth.nl
Web-Seminar Smart Function Kit (25 February)Web-Seminar Smart Function Kit (25 February)0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced