Tour Simona
Dear colleagues,
In a previous AE newsletter we have announced that we would be organizing tours to different facilities of our faculty and the first upcoming tour is of the Simona!
You can register for this tour if you are an employee working at our faculty and have been curious about this facility, but have not been able to visit it in the past. The aim of the tour is to make our employees acquainted with the facilities of our faculty. We will organize several tours per year with each time a different facility.
The first tour will be on November 22, 2022 at the Simona. The tour will last for half an hour and will take place in a group of maximum 10 people. The first tour is at 12:00 am and the second tour will start at 13:00 pm. Participation will be assigned in order of registration, when the maximum of 10 people per group is met, you will be notified that you have been placed on a waiting list and cannot participate in the tour.
Would you like to be present at this tour? Sign up at the registration tab and we will see you on November 22!
Kind regards,
The HR-LR team
Tour Simona
Wendy Heijnenhr-lr@tudelft.nl
Tour SimonaTour Simona0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced