Generating self-compassion in EFT
donderdag 16 juni 2022
19.30 - 21.00 uur – online
met Ladislav Timulak
"The client is facilitated to access core emotional pain and embedded unmet needs. Then, from an enacted position of a potentially responsive person or part of the self, the client is invited to see wether compassion toward the vulnerable self emerges naturally"
Het aanboren van zelf-compassie is een van de belangrijke taken zoals die worden omschreven binnen emotion focuced therapie (EFT). Dit gebeurt in een stoelendialoog, ondersteund door de stevige, warme presentie van de therapeut.
Laco Timulak zal fragmenten laten zien van de DVD 'Generating self-compassion in EFT' en zal daarnaast nog ander videomateriaal tonen.
"Caring and compassionate presence, wether from the client themselves or from the therapist, also invites the client to access and express more vulnerable feelings"
Generating self-compassion in EFT
Generating self-compassion in EFTinfo@vpep.nl
Generating self-compassion in EFTinfo@vpep.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/self-compassion
Generating self-compassion in EFTGenerating self-compassion in EFT0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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