Study Abroad Week
The International Office of IDE organizes the “Study Abroad Week” from 10 to 13 October 2022.
The presentations are organised in the IDE Arena during the lunch break on Tuesday 11 October and Thursday 13 October 2022. We will make sure there will be some sandwiches for you available.
If you are not able to give a presentation please let us know if you will be present at the Study Abroad Fair during the lunch break on Monday 10 October.
We really need your experience to make this event successful so please fill out this website to let us know which days you could be present.
You can choose to come to all days or otherwise discuss with your fellow students (who went to the same exchange location) to divide your attendance.
Thank you!
International Office IDE
Study Abroad Week
International Office
International Office IDEstudyabroad-ide@tudelft.nl
Study Abroad WeekStudy Abroad Week0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced