Dear colleagues,
The end of the academic year is approaching and we would like to get together with you to shed a light on relevant topics to FPN and present the FPN Award.
Following the Town Hall Meeting, students will join us and the Student Council will award the Education Prize. Afterwards we will all share a drink together to celebrate.
You are all invited to spend this afternoon at Maastrichtzaal on Thursday 22 June from 15.15 hours till 18.00 hours.
In the Town Hall we will focus on the following topics:
* Get to know our new colleagues:
Maartje Geenen, Head of Education Office | Sacha Kerp, HR Advisor | Joy Moonen, Internal Communication Advisor | Fleurie Nievelstein and Franc Donkers, Board of Examiners
* Update from the Faculty Board: a brief look back and fast forward, including: initiatives in education and research, student initiatives and financial situation.
* FPN podcast In Gesprek Met… | Thom Frijns
Please let us know if we can count on your presence.
Kind regards,
Your Faculty Board, Student Council
and Marketing & Communications Department
Townhall & Education Price 2023
Registration website for Townhall & Education Price 2023Townhall & Education Price
Townhall & Education Price 2023contact-fpn@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Townhall & Education Price 2023Townhall & Education Price 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Maastricht UniversityMaastricht UniversityMinderbroedersberg 4-6 6211 LK Maastricht Netherlands