TU Delft Exchange Week

Exploring Education Innovation - Enhancing Continuous Learning

Date Wednessday 29 November - Thursday 30 November - Friday 01 December
Time +/- 09:00-18:00
Location TU Delft Teaching Lab (directions)

On November 29th, 30th, and December 1st, 2023, TU Delft hosts the TU Delft Exchange Week for Higher Education Institutions. During this three-day event we will focus on exploring innovations in education to promote continuous learning.

For up to date information on the programme, please visit the Exchange Week event page on the Teaching Academy website at https://www.tudelft.nl/tu-delft-exchange-week-29nov-30nov-01dec.

If you have topic suggestions or ideas on how to contribute to this event, please email us at Teachingacademy@tudelft.nl. 


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