Workplace Europe: Mind the Gap!
How can regions and their institutions claim a seat at the table of the Conference on the Future of Europe?
1 July (9:00 – 13:30)
On 9 May, Europe Day, EU leaders launched the long-awaited Conference on the Future of Europe. While some fear that the Conference might turn into another unproductive EU talking shop, others believe that it signifies a promising EU-wide exercise in citizen consultation. At least there is one thing both camps seem to agree on: the ever-closer union faces a gap that needs to be bridged urgently.
Workplace Europe: Mind the Gap explicitly intends to provide an alternative for those who wish not to join the trenches of this debate. Instead, it will present a forum to discuss what has led to the creation of an EU-wide consultation platform in the first place. It will discuss the gap(s) that the Conference on the Future of Europe aspires - and needs - to address, to then discuss how regions and their institutions can bridge these gaps.
In so doing, this Workplace Europe aims to empower regions and institutions to claim a seat at the table of the Conference as these are vital actors within and across the domains of academia, policy and civil society. Representatives of these spheres will discuss how to 'mind' and anticipate the gaps, both challenges and opportunities, laid bare by the Conference on the Future of Europe.
In what ways is the Conference a wake-up call for regions and their institutions to better facilitate the debate and dialogue on European affairs? And how can they seize it as a window of opportunity to promote trans-local, trans-sectoral collaboration and democratic innovation under its auspices?
On 1 July 2021, 50 days after the Conference's launch, Studio Europa Maastricht will organize this special edition of Workplace Europe in collaboration with the European Committee of the Regions. A high-level panel discussion will open the Workplace, after which interactive (net)working sessions will be held. The ideas and insights collected will be shared with the Committee of the Regions, the organisers of the Conference on the Future of Europe and all participants.
We are looking forward to welcoming (regional) policymakers, academics and civil society actors, and those eager to connect these spheres to advance the debate and dialogue on the future of Europe.
Speakers | |
Wilma Delissen-van Tongerlo |
Niccolo Milanese |
Alvaro Oleart |
Wolfgang Petzold |
Journalist Beatriz Rios will moderate the panel. |
Workplace Europe: Mind the Gap!
Workplace Europe: Mind the Gap!
Workplace Europe: Mind the Gap!info@maastrichteurope.nl
Workplace Europe: Mind the Gap!Workplace Europe: Mind the Gap!0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced