Online Workshop

Giving feedback as a coach or mentor

Tuesday June 29
09.30h - 10.30h 

(In Dutch)
Geschikt als CPD-uren / 
Eligible for spending CPD hours

Giving feedback is an essential coaching and teaching technique. In this interactive, 1 hour online session you learn how to provide and receive feedback in a constructive manner. During the workshop you will exercise a lot by means of a roleplay. Would you like to improve your feedback skills? Join us!

Activity full? Then sign up for the next date and we’ll let you know as soon as this event is scheduled again.

Om tijdens de workshop zo goed mogelijk te kunnen oefenen, graag de volgende vragen beantwoorden:

Bij vragen kun je contact opnemen met

Thank you for your registration. You will receive a confirmation by e-mail. This workshop will be online via Zoom for which you will receive the link in the confirmation mail.