5 - 7 June 2024
ConCreep12.org Delft
The Netherlands

CONCREEP12 will be the 12th conference in a series (which started in 1958) dealing with creep, shrinkage and durability of concrete and concrete structures. The conference will offer an opportunity to debate the latest discoveries in mechanics and physics of creep. The conference aims to bring together physicists, mechanicians and engineers performing experimental work and computational modelling over multiple scales, from structures to the materials or even down to the atomistic scale. New challenges emerging in the field of time-dependent concrete behaviour will also be discussed. Understanding and controlling creep in engineering is becoming increasingly important with the introduction of new cements and binders for concrete, like alkali activated or calcined clay-based binders. Furthermore, the increased use of recycled or waste components in concrete ask for a revision of the creep formulas used in practice. Last but not least, the introduction of additive manufacturing in the concrete industry introduces new challenges concerning creep of concrete. Issues relating to very-early age behaviour and even rheology are therefore becoming increasingly important for the long-term performance of engineering structures. Discussion on these emerging issues in time dependent concrete behaviour will be encouraged.
The format of the conference will be a mix of the successful debates of recognized experts, oral presentations, and poster sessions covering all aspects of time-dependent behavior of concrete.
The conference will take place in an old Factory which is transferred into a conference and meeting facility. It gives a splendid atmosphere for discussing engineering topics and is located next to the TU-Delft campus which is walking distance from the centre of the beautiful city of Delft, where plenty of hotels are located to host all attendees of the conference.
Lijm & CultuurLijm & CultuurRotterdamseweg 272 2628 AT Delft Netherlands