Doctoral consortium
A doctoral consortium limited to approximately 15-20 PhD students will take place right before the main conference, starting 30 May early afternoon CEST. The doctoral consortium offers a platform for PhD students to discuss their projects and concerns openly with each other and with more senior researchers in the field. Participants can expect an inclusive atmosphere and opportunities to interact more informally with members of the GRONEN community. In addition to ensuring valuable feedback and career advice, participation in the consortium is a great way to meet fellow conference attendants already before the official conference starts.
The doctoral consortium is open to PhD students at any stage and offers a mix of shared and break-out sessions (see application document for a list of potential topics). Accepted students who submitted full papers will get the opportunity to receive feedback from peers who pre-read their work, as well as from more senior scholars. Accepted students who submitted proposals will get the opportunity to discuss shared challenges and raise questions relevant for their stage in the PhD. In addition, for students who will not travel to Amsterdam, the consortium offers an option for online/remote participation, available for most of the doctoral consortium programs. Hence, all applicants should be prepared to commit fully to the program and participate actively either on-site or online/remote.
PhD students must apply for the doctoral consortium separately; the application deadline is the same as the conference paper submission, but early applications are strongly encouraged! On-site participants are expected to register for the conference and will thus not be subject to additional charges for the consortium. For those who will participate only virtually, there is a virtual participation fee of 35 Euros to cover part of organizing costs for online/remote set-up.
Applications should be sent to and must include a full paper or research proposal, a current CV, and a filled-out form available here. Applications will be considered based on a student’s (i) research interests (preferably related to organizations and the natural environment/management and sustainability), (ii) anticipated benefit from receiving feedback at the consortium, and (iii) potential contribution to creating a diverse participant group.
Gronen 2022
Registration website for Gronen 2022Gronen
Gronen 2022congres@uva.nl
Gronen 2022Gronen 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Hotel CasaHotel CasaEerste Ringdijkstraat 4, 1097BC Amsterdam Netherlands