Workshop - Improve your decision-making

  • What study path – program, courses, study exchange, internships –  do I want to follow?
  • What career path – position, professional field, organization, …  –  do I want to take? 
  • How can I make up my mind about the important choices in life?
  • How can I put off making a decision until the last moment?
  • Why can I not make a decision myself, and leave my choice up to how the situation turns out?
  • How can I say goodbye to the options I did not choose? 


From choosing your study program or electives to deciding on taking a gap year to travel or not – life is full of choices and it can be an excruciating challenge to make up your mind and decide. This interactive workshop aims to help you develop skills that make your decision-making better.


At the end of this workshop, you will be able to...

  • identify your dilemma and the possible options
  • identify your challenges and recognize your pitfalls in decision-making
  • follow a structured method to make well-considered choices


Opinions of other students on Improve your decision-making

  • “I really liked the interactive aspect.”
  • “The session was very open. It was very nice that everyone got time to share their issues.”
  • “It was very helpful and made me think about my choices in a more analytical way.”
  • “I am glad I attended this workshop. It was nice to share your struggles with other students.”


  Register now  



In preparation for the workshop, you need to make a homework assignment. You will receive the assignment in the confirmation email as soon as you have registered for the workshop.