Impact Finance Belgium
Impact Finance Belgium (IFB), is a membership association, with an overall goal to increase the share of impact capital in Belgium.
IFB integrates all capital providers who genuinely strive for (measurable) impact for people and planet. Both foundations, impact investors and financial services firms with a clear footprint in impact are welcomed.
Impact Finance Belgium is a membership organization and will soon be accepting new members to join.
IFB wouldn't exist without its supporters. Thank you !
Belgian Impact Week
Registration website for Belgian Impact WeekWhat IF Belgium Coordination
What IF Belgium Coordination teamhello@if-belgium.be
Belgian Impact WeekBelgian Impact Week0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Maison de la PosteMaison de la PosteHavenlaan 86c 1000 Brussel Belgium