Triodos IM Day 2022
Welcome on the registration site of the 2022 Triodos IM Day! We are extremely excited that after more than three years we are finally able to organise this day for Triodos IM co-workers again.
We look forward to a full day of inspiration with a strong focus on the impact we jointly realise. During the day we will dive into our new impact narrative, go and visit investee clients to experience the impact that we create in real life, listen to inspiring speakers, and above all get together and connect!
On this site you can see the full program and you can read more about the clients that we will visit. Please make sure to register in time so you can visit the client of your choice.
We very much look forward to see you all on 20 September!
Hadewych, Dick and Kor
Triodos IM Day 2022
Triodos IM Day
Triodos IM Day 2022triodosimmeetings@triodos.nl
Triodos IM Day 2022Triodos IM Day 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced