Client visits
During the Triodos IM Day we will have the opportunity to visit a number of our investee clients. During these visits you can see first hand how the work we do makes a difference and the impact we jointly realise.
Solarvation works on developing a test version of what the founders believe will become the farm of the future. Near the town of Lelystad, next to the Solarvation I and II solar parks, they build a research and education centre for conducting trials that will help farmers make agriculture more sustainable. Solarvation is developing modular, mobile solar systems. The installation consists of movable solar panels that fit well with the principles of organic crop rotation. This allows agricultural land to remain productive year-round, while the farmer can at the same time generate sustainable power. Underneath the panels, crops can grow up to 70 cm high, which is enough for growing white clover or other biodiversity enhancing crops that naturally enrich the soil or for growing onions, carrots, cabbage or spinach. Solarvation is an investee client of Triodos Groenfonds.
Giga Storage
GIGA storage is a “game changer” in the industry of large-scale sustainable energy storage. Energy storage is the missing link in the energy transition and we have to invest in powerful, solid and large-scale battery storage. Giga Storage has developed two batteries: Giga Rhino (12 MW) and Giga Buffalo (24MW). The energy stored in the Rhino battery on an annual basis can be compared with a total electricity consumption of around 5.000 households per year. The batteries help to improve the electricity system’s flexibility and stability, preventing nearby wind farms and renewable plants from being curtailed when too much energy is being generated, and reduce the need for additional capacity to be added to the system, as the battery plants can store energy produced by existing facilities. Giga Storage is an investee client of Triodos Energy Transition Europe Fund.
Solar Park De Grift
On the Griftdijk, along the A15, residents of Nijmegen are working together on the energy landscape of the future. There you can find Solar park De Grift, consisting of 11,000 solar panels. Enough to provide 1,475 households with sustainable energy per year. The solar farm, together with the Nijmegen-Betuwe wind farm, consisting of four wind turbines, is part of Energy Cooperative WPN. WPN is a cooperative by and for citizens, in which the approximately 1000 members of the cooperative jointly own the wind and solar park. Citizens thus make an important contribution to making their own environment more sustainable. Solar Park De Grift is an investee client of Triodos Groenfonds.
Land & Boschzigt
Sijmen Brandsma and Sissie Haijtema run the biodynamic horticulture and care farm Land en Boschzigt in 's-Graveland, the Netherlands. It is the oldest biodynamic horticulture of the country: vegetables, fruit, flowers and asparagus have been grown here since 1947. The products are sold from a complete natural food store. There is also a large terrace where, by appointment, you can dine, and where groups can have lunch. The proximity of forests and lakes makes it an ideal place for a family or company outing. There are various walking and cycling routes along Land en Boschzigt. In 2009, a vineyard was opened. Land & Boschzigt is an investee client of Triodos Groenfonds.
De Zonneboog
De Zonneboog is a biodynamic farm which is run by Monique and Martijn Schieman. The farm was originally an arable farm, but later it became a mixed farm growing a wide range of crops and is is also home to cows, pigs, chickens and bees. Biodynamics is a type of organic agriculture in which everything - humans, animals, plants and the earth - is seen as interconnected. The emphasis lies on closing the loop, for example by making use of own manure. Also, the farmer's couple increases biodiversity on their farm by creating ponds, greenbelts and flowerbeds. De Zonneboog is an investee client of Triodos Groenfonds.
Register for the client visits here!
Triodos IM Day 2022
Triodos IM Day
Triodos IM Day 2022triodosimmeetings@triodos.nl
Triodos IM Day 2022Triodos IM Day 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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