Go Green
How can you travel Green to Groningen?
When planning your trip to Groningen, look for an alternative to flying. Give priority to using the train, whenever possible. Travelling by train rather than a plane can lower your carbon footprint (per km) by a factor of between 5 and 42 times!
There are several websites that give helpful information on how to do this and how you can find the best train connections from your city to Groningen. The map below displays at a glance which destinations are reachable within nine hours by train (green). Destinations that take over nine hours by train are displayed in yellow. You could still consider taking the train to these destinations. By doing so, you’d be making a sustainable choice and helping the environment!
Please click here to enhance the map below.
Seat61.com - Train travel in the UK, Europe and Worldwide. It gives a good introduction to the train travel options from your home country.
Trainline - This website enables you to buy train tickets from any city in Europe to any other city. Be mindful that they do not always give all night train options.
Rail Europe - This website also enables you to buy train tickets from any city in Europe to any other city. Be mindful that they do not always give all night train options.
The UMCG is the first hospital in the Netherlands to receive the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) designation. A nice recognition for the sustainability policy that we have been working on since 2020. Alderman of the municipality of Groningen, Kirsten de Wrede, handed over the predicate to Ate van der Zee, chairman of the UMCG's board of directors.
They hoisted the SDG sustainability flag especially for this occasion.
We are in full swing and we already have more than 30 Green Teams in the UMCG. These are groups of employees who want to make their department/specialism more sustainable together. Together we push boundaries for a sustainable future of health!
Wenckebach Instituut for Education and Trainingpaog@umcg.nl
Wenckebach Instituut for Education and Trainingpaog@umcg.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/142474
University Medical Center GroningenUniversity Medical Center GroningenHanzeplein 1 9700 RB Groningen Netherlands