Dear 2nd-year and 3rd year students,

Rotterdam Business School organizes an Internship fair at Posthumalaan on Tuesday 25 April , 15.00 hrs.  During the meet and greet you can meet 3rd-year and 4th-students from  International Business and listen to their internship experiences. Would you like to know how they found their internship, arranged housing, scholarships, etc? They will give you tips and tricks for sure! 

Several students will share  experience during their internship in The Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Malaysia, Spain, Romania and Indonesia.


You can select one presentation per round. Please check the information page about the countries and presenters and ensure you will be part of this informative-but-fun event and hear your fellow students' placement stories and experiences.

After the second round of presentations you can socialize and refresh at Brascafé on the ground floor.

We hope to see you on 25 Aprl 2023.

Kind regards,

Nathalie Barendswaard

Anneloes Harreveld
Internship Coordinators