YES stands for Young European Scholars.

The mission of  is to bring together

  • the most promising early-career marketing researchers
  • working on quantitative / marketing strategy topics
  • at European top universities.

Excellent research ideas are rarely born when a lonely researcher sits in an office. Instead, great ideas (and project execution) are typically the result of formal and informal discussions with other people that have different perspectives, backgrounds, and skills.

Many Young European Scholars seek out connections to colleagues working overseas. And there is nothing wrong with that. But we believe that there is plenty of marketing research talent here in Europe that shares a vision for publishing excellent research in the top journals. And  wants to connect these scholars.

To this end, we hold an annual 2-day meeting for participants to connect with new and old friends, to present and comment on cutting-edge research, and to have some fun.

 was co-founded by Simone Wies (Goethe University Frankfurt) and Christian Schulze (Frankfurt School).

This year we (Lara, Niels, Anne) are proud to host  at The School of Business and Economics (SBE) at Maastricht University! You can find all information about the event on this website. Hope to see you soon 👋