
14:00- 15:30 CEST

During the annual CAPHRI Research Day several workshops will be provided (see the overview below). Please note that you do not have to pre-register for these workshops and you can make your final selection for one of these workshops at the CAPHRI day.  


1. Social Safety
Introduction to Social Safety and (un)acceptable behaviour @ work, with the interactive game ‘Is this okay’.

Social Safety is a sensitive subject and undesirable behaviour is something which occurs more often than you think. But it is sometimes just not recognized as such. Yet Social Safety is a prerequisite for the wellbeing, job satisfaction and personal development of employees. In this workshop we will explore together what Social Safety is, which behaviour at work is (un)acceptable and where your boundaries are as team and as an individual in your team. This interactive workshop will be presented by Joep Peters and Katinka Bastin, both confidential advisors @ the UM Social Safety team.


2. Work Engagement
Work engagement: balancing stressors and resources and have more fun while working

In this workshop, by Luc Renierkens of the UM occupational health provider HumanCapitalCare, the emphasis will be on aspects of life and work that tend to deplete energy (such as stressors) and activities that aid in recharging. Grounded in solid scientific principles, we will guide participants in proactively thinking about stressors and energy sources in their work and ways in which to influence those to achieve a healthy dose of work engagement. 

3. Team Communication
Team Communication Fun-damentals

Communicating between 2 people may already be challenging sometimes, when multiple persons are involved it can get even more complicated. One of the known factors in team success is ‘team communication’. But what does that mean? This interactive workshop by Tessa van Mourik of TessaTraining and Hanneke Wessels of the UM Staff Career Centre introduces you into the fun-damentals of team communication. You will get to understand from what angles you can approach team communication, and the short experiential exercises can inspire you to take action yourself.

4. Ethics and Integrity
Ethics and Integrity on the (CAPHRI) workfloor

This workshop is organized by the FHML/MUMC+ Platform Scientific Integrity and provided by Martijn Bours. The workshop starts with a brief introduction on research integrity (definition, leading principles) and an overview of some of the activities of the Platform Scientific Integrity. The main part of the workshop consists of playing the Dilemma Game to stimulate an interactive discussion of issues related to research ethics and integrity by means of thought-provoking dilemmas that could realistically arise at the work floor. 

5. Generation Gap
Moving beyond a clash between generations to improving cooperations

Never before, so many different generations have been working together, with relatively so few younger workers. This might easily lead to small and big clashes, which hamper cooperating effectively and reduce our wellbeing at work. If you have started your career in academia in the 90s with its mass unemployment, you are a survivor and working overtime and in weekends is regarded normal. If you have started recently, you have plenty of alternatives outside academia you are critical and only work the hours in your contract and not more. But what are facts and what are feelings? How can we better understand each other, and even learn from each other? During the workshop we will first explore one’s personal feelings and prejudices, next the facts and figures, then formulate what we can learn from the different generations, and finally we will formulate personal actions to foster wellbeing at Caphri for all generations. This is a workshop for PhDs, post-docs, (assistant and associate) professors, department chairs and others – of all ages - and is provided by Angelique de Rijk, professor in Work & Health at Research Line Health, Inequities and Societal Participation.