We would like to invite you to the next alumni event in Berlin on Wednesday 24 April!
Rather than just hosting drinks as in most 2024 events, we decided to step up our content game for 2024, but no worries, there will be plenty of time for drinks and chatter before and after.
Our very own alumnus Tobias Jaeger (https://www.linkedin.com/in/tobiasjaeger) will host a conversation with Dr. Sandro Gaycken and Benjamin Rohé about cyber security and the impact it has on today's geopolitical landscape. Dr. Gaycken is an expert on cyber security and among many other crazy achievements has the claim of fame of having written the rulebook on cyber war for NATO. Benjamin Rohé founded Monarch, a private intelligence firm offering solutions for these challenges. So this should make for some very interesting insights.
Date: Wednesday 24 April 2024
Time: from 19:00
Location: SUMUP office
Address: Koppenstrasse 8, 10243 Berlin
Entrance: Free
Registration: You can register for the event here
All registered alumni living and working in Berlin are invited. Unfortunately, we do not have contact information of all alumni who live there. If you know about other alumni who have not yet received an invitation, please let them and us know. Obviously, they are very welcome. They can also update their data through this link to not miss out on future events.
Would you like to stay up to date for all our alumni events in Berlin? Join our Whatsapp community via this link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KuzcxM9jL3i4WoHtMtvfOo.
Feel free to send the Whatsapp community link to other alumni in Berlin! The more the merrier.
If you have registered, we count on your presence. If you are no longer able to attend, please de-register via the confirmation mail you received through Aanmelder or let us know via alumni@maastrichtuniversity.nl.
We look forward to it!
Best regards,
UM Alumni Office & The Alumni Circle Committee Berlin (Simon, Katharina, Tobias & Marc)
Alumni Circle Event - Berlin 24-04-2024

Maastricht University Alumni Officealumni@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Maastricht University Alumni Officealumni@maastrichtuniversity.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/alumnieventberlin24042024
Alumni Circle Event - Berlin 24-04-2024Alumni Circle Event - Berlin 24-04-20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
SUMUP OfficeSUMUP OfficeKoppenstrasse 8 10243 Berlin Germany