Call for abstracts

The main programme of the conference of the BioSB 2023 will feature several parallel sessions that will be filled via abstract selection.

You can submit an abstract for: 

  • Oral presentation (if selected, it will be added to one of the parallel sessions)
  • Poster presentation (posters to be presented during the poster sessions on both days of the conference)
  • Demo presentation (tool or software application, presented during the Application showcase)

Submission deadlines

  • Oral presentations: Extended to 8 March 2023, 23h59 - Closed
  • Notification date oral presentations: Extended to 30 March 2023 
  • Poster presentations: 14 April 2023 --> Closed
  • Demo presentations: 14 April 2023 --> Closed

Submission topics

You can find the list of submission topics here.

Abstracts will be reviewed by the BioSB 2023 Programme committee. You will receive a notification by e-mail.

Submission procedure

You can submit your abstract via EasyChair. If you do not already have an account, you will be prompted to create one the first time you visit EasyChair.

You can indicate if you would like to present your abstract as a:

  • oral presentation if accepted, otherwise poster
  • oral presentation if accepted, otherwise demo
  • oral presentation only 
  • poster only
  • demo only

Please tick the the 'ELIXIR-NL track' box in the submission form if you want your submission to also be considered for the ELIXIR-NL track (compute infrastructure, interoperability standards, registries and databases, etc.)!


  • Please also provide the full abstract in the “Abstract” text box and upload the PDF as the abstract.
  • Please add the presenter of the lecture or poster as first author!
  • Please also add the presenter as corresponding author for optimal communications.

Abstract preparation

Please prepare a 1-page abstract in PDF. The format should be:

  • A4 paper;
  • use Times Roman (10pt); 
  • two columns separated by 0.5 cm whitespace with margins of 2 cm;
  • Please specify a title, the authors and their affiliations and e-mail addresses; underline the presenting author!;
  • If applicable please use the section headings “Introduction”, “Approach”, “Results” and “Discussion”;
  • A page number should be omitted.

If possible, please use the Word template provided. Please change the year in the template!


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