19 May 2022

09:00 - 09:30

Registration & coffee at Villa Jongerius

09:30 - 09:40

Opening by Merlijn van Rijswijk, Director Netherlands Metabolomics Centre

09:40 - 10:10

Keynote speaker Johan Swinnen, Leuven University

Session chair: Celia Berkers, Utrecht University - boardmember NMC

Lipidomic Approaches To Identify Exploitable Vulnerabilities For Cancer Treatment

10:10 - 11:10

Single cell metabolomics, new instrumentation, metabolite identification

Session chair: Celia Berkers, Utrecht University 

Rob Vreeken, Maastricht University

Mass Spec Imaging en Metabolomics: Opportunities and Challenges 

Presentation 1: Alida Kindt, Leiden University

Single-cell Untargeted Metabolomics in R (SUM-R)

Presentation 2: Heather Clare Chassaing - Sciex

Using EIEIO as a novel fragmentation technique for complete lipid characterization in a complex matrix

11:10 - 11:40

Coffee break

11:40 - 12:40

Fluxomics & lipidomics

Session chair: Jildau Bouwman - TNO 

Bert Wouters, Leiden University

Automated segmented-flow analysis – NMR with a novel fluoropolymer flow cell for high-throughput screening

Presentation 1: Esther Zaal - Utrecht University

Rewiring of energy metabolism drives resistance to the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib

Presentation 2: Michel van Weeghel, Amsterdam UMC

4D-lipidomics profiling in adrenoleukodystrophy using vacuum insulated probe heated ESI and trapped ion mobility time-of-flight mass spectrometry

12:40 - 13:00

Poster pitches

Session chair: Jildau Bouwman - TNO

Poster pitch 1: Brenda Ammerlaan, DSM

The flavor library: Connecting flavor characteristics to analytical data to help data interpretation in Sensomics

Poster pitch 2: Sandra Pous Torres, DSM

LC-HR-MS profiling methods to unravel the complexity of flavor in food matrices

Poster pitch 3: Vera Plekhova, Ghent University

Electrospun Nanofibrous Samplers (MetaSAMP®) Provide Superior Biofluid Metabolome Stability and Coverage following Direct Laser-Assisted Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry

Poster pitch 4: Robin JoshiCSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology

Ion-mobility mass spectrometry: Modern validation approach towards targeted and non-targeted metabolomics method development

13:00 - 14:00

Lunch break, posters, stands

14:00 - 15:00

Food & Nutrition and microbial applications

Session chair: Justin van der Hooft, Wageningen University

Lars Ove Dragsted, Copenhagen University

Applying metabolomics to study food and dietary intakes and their effects in humans.

Presentatie 1: Sofia Moco

NAD+ - an old cofactor with new tricks

Presentatie 2: Doris Jacobs 

In vivo stable isotope metabolomics to determine the postprandial metabolic fluxes of carbohydrates.

15:00 - 16:00

Plant metabolomics

Session chair: Sandrien Desmet, University of Ghent

Harro Bouwmeester, University of Amsterdam

The use of metabolomics to unravel signalling relations with other organisms in the rhizosphere of plants

Presentation 1: Mitja M. Zdouc, Wageningen University

FERMO: Formulation of mEtrics from Reproducible Metabolomics Objects

Presentation 2: Eirini Pegiou, Wageningen University

Metabolomics Reveals Heterogeneity in the Chemical Composition of Green and White Spears of Asparagus (A. officinalis)

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee break

16:30 - 17:30

Biomedical applications 

Session chair: Michel van Weeghel - Amsterdam UMC

Presentatie 1: Andrea Jáñez Pedrayes, KU Leuven

Study and treatment of congenital disorders of glycosylation based on tracer metabolomics: SLC35A2-CDG

Presentation 2: Rita Simões-Faria - Leuven University

Shear Stress Triggers Metabolic Changes of Endothelial Cells

Presentation 3: Ellen De Paepe, Ghent University

Metabolome Alterations in a Mouse Model Support Microbiome-Metabolite Interactions in a Cohort of Children With Cow’s Milk Allergy

17:30 - 18:00

Keynote speaker 

Adriana Carvalho de Souza, DSM

Session chair: Michel van Weeghel  boardmember NMC

Bringing gap flavor for meat alternatives based on insight created by metabolomics.

18:00 - 18:30

YoungNMC Presentation and Drinks

18:30 - 20:30

Conference dinner at Villa Jongerius

20 May 2022

09:00 - 09:30

Registration & coffee at Jaarbeurs Utrecht

09:30 - 09:45

Opening by moderator Anya Sitaram: brief interview with Roel Vermeulen, University Utrecht and Thomas Hankemeier - Scientific Director NMC

09:45 - 10:15

Keynotespeaker Emma Schymanski, University of Luxembourg

Introduction Emma Schymanski by Anya Sitaram

FAIR and Open Science for Metabolomics and Exposomics Identification Efforts

10:15 - 10:40

Coffee break and changue of venue

10:40 - 11:55

Artificial Intelligence and Biostatistics

Session chair: Justin van der Hooft boardmember NMC

Kris Laukens, University of Antwerp

Artificial Intelligence: engine to make omics clinically actionable?

Presentation 1: Balazs Erdos

Analysing multivariate metabolomics data with complex temporal dynamics from challenge tests using RM-ASCA+

Presentation 2: Daniele Bizzarri

1H-NMR metabolomics-based models to impute common clinical variables and endpoints in epidemiological


Presentation 3: Bijon Chatterji, Biocrates

From Fair to FAIRness - A solution connecting Mx data from population-based studies globally

11:55 - 12:15

Poster pitches

Session chair: Justin van der Hooft 

Poster pitch 1: Merys Valdez

Predicting pulmonary embolism in COVID-19 patients located in the ICU; metabolomic prognostic biomarker

Poster pitch 2: Niek de Jonge

Fast and Reliable Machine-Learning supported Mass Spectral Library Querying with MS2Query

Poster pitch 3: Pablo Vangeenderhuysen

Integrating gut metabolomics and microbiomics towards biomarker discovery in pediatric cow’s milk allergy

Poster pitch 4: Anaïs Draguet

Evaluation of metabolic perturbations induced by ABCB5 in mice thanks to an 1H-NMR approach

12:15 - 13:30

Lunch break, posters, stands

13:30 - 14:30

Environmental Metabolomics

Session chair: Adriana Carvalho de Souza

Roel Vermeulen, University Utrecht

Exposome: big science where biology meets chemistry

Presentation 1: Yupeng He

Fast, online three-phase electroextraction for the analysis of trace-level basic and acidic pharmaceuticals in biofluids

Presentation 2: Mengmeng Xu

Using comprehensive lipid profiling to study effects of PFHxS during different stages of early zebrafish development 

Presentation 3: Tom Cools

Untargeted metabolomics reveals discriminative metabolic fingerprints in pregnant versus pseudo-pregnant giant pandas during the luteal phase

14:30 - 15:00

Coffee break

15:00 - 16:00

Biomedical applications 

Session chair: Celia Berkers 

Riekelt Houtkooper, Amsterdam UMC

NAD+ as a target to promote healthy aging

Presentation 1: Alessio Ciurli 

Temporally and spatially resolved metabolomic profiling of saliva

Presentation 2: Kathleen Wijnant

Determining the drivers of paediatric obesity in a deeply phenotyped cohort: how do diet, lifestyle, psychological stress and the salivary microbiome correlate to the salivary metabolome?

16:00 - 16:30

Keynote: Rick Dunn, University of Liverpool

Session chair: Celia Berkers - boardmember NMC

Understanding metabolism in human diseases – metabolomics and precision medicine



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