'Green Swans with black feathers'

09 February 2022

10:00 - 10:15
Opening of the conference


Myrna van de Water (strategic sustainability advisor RUAS)

10:15 - 11:30


Koen Dittrich: The Sharing Economy is not sustainable.

Kees Klomp: Degrowth is the basis for the economy.

Marcel den Hollander: All products should be biodegradable.

Maaike Lycklama à Nijeholt: Banks are not yet equipped to fund circular business models.

Continuing the discussion by joining one of the round table sessions.

11:30 - 11:45
Coffee & tea break


Time to visit the harvest corner and meet the students

11:50 - 12:30
Round table sessions


The sharing economy is not sustainable with Koen Dittrich.

Moderators: Jill de Bruijn & Paul Williams

Degrowth is the basis for the future with Kees Klomp.

Moderators: Remko van der Pluijm & Egbert Langras


All products should be biobased with Marcel den Hollander.

Moderators: Barbara Schrammeijer? & George Hlavacs


Banks are not equipped yet to fund circular business models with Maaike Lycklema. Moderators: Dea Knol-Veldhuizen & Miranda Jansson.

12:30 - 13:00
Lunch break
13:00 - 13:45
Panel discussion
Circular Rotterdam: challenges and achievements


Moderator: Arjen van Klink

Panel members:

Zakia Guernina, member of board of RUA

Arno Bonte, councilor sustainability and energy transition

Sabine Biesheuvel, chairperson Klimaat tafel Consumer Goods Rotterdam 

13:45 - 14:00
Coffee & tea break


Time to visit the harvest corner and meet the students to learn more about their projects

14:00 - 14:45



  1. Sustainable events and event management (Jankat Paul Günsel) 

  1. Sustainability and animal testing (Mariam Egorava) 

  1. Founding your circular start-up (Jannick Waleska) 

14:45 - 15:00
Coffee & tea break


Meet the students to learn more about their projects.  

Who wins the Circular Inspiration Award? Choose the most inspiring individual and group project. 

15:00 - 16:00
Impact café – The alternative menu



Host: Nienke Binnendijk (Blue City)



Minor group: Annabel Wickel, Youri Blom, Cesar Langius, Joris Huisman 

Dudok (Meent): Richard Messelink (Manager Dudok) 

Green Dish: Robin Schouten 

Announcement and prize awarding by Wijnand van den Brink (Member of the board of RUAS).