TU Delft
Top education and research are at the heart of the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands. Our 8 faculties offer 16 bachelor's and more than 30 master's programmes. Our more than 25,000 students and 6,000 employees share a fascination for science, design and technology. Our common mission: impact for a better society.
J.M. Burgerscentrum
The J.M. Burgerscentrum (JMBC) is the national research school for fluid mechanics in The Netherlands. About 250 scientific staff participate in it. At present also about 350 PhD-students and 40 postdocs participate in the JMBC. The participating groups are located at the universities in Delft, Eindhoven, Groningen, Wageningen, Utrecht and Amsterdam.
LaVision was founded in 1989 in Göttingen, Germany. Since its foundation LaVision is the leading supplier of laser imaging systems in top selling application fields like fluid mechanics (aerodynamics, microfluidics), combustion (automotive, power generation) as well as spray and particle diagnostics (engines, pharma).
Recently this product portfolio was extended adding camera based surface inspection systems and in-cylinder infrared-sensors.
Due to their non-intrusive nature our optical instruments offer unique capabilities for multi-parameter flow measurements with high spatial and temporal resolution. Our measurement equipment is used in well known R&D labs all over the world. Largely customer oriented, we offer user-friendly, reliable and high quality products tailored to the needs of our customers.
The LaVision team has extensive professional experience in laser and camera technology, imaging techniques for flow analysis, spectroscopy and digital image processing. LaVision is cooperating with leading research institutions and companies around the globe and is serving the worldwide markets through their subsidiaries or representatives.
DisCoVor 2024
TISOLS organising committeediscovor@tudelft.nl
TISOLS organising committeediscovor@tudelft.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/discovor
DisCoVor 2024DisCoVor 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced