Terms & conditions COVID-19
We would like to point out that the following COVID-19 related measures will apply during the graduation ceremony.
Since these restrictions are subject to unforeseen changes by the Dutch government, unfortunately, we cannot rule out the possibility that the ceremony might have to be called off at the last moment.
Make sure to adhere to the COVID-19 measures for your own safety and the safety of others. Be aware of the possible fines from law enforcers in Rotterdam. The Rotterdam Business School monitors whether the rules are followed sufficiently, but all participants of the Graduation Ceremony on 2 October 2021 have a shared responsibility to remind others. Everyone who does not comply with the rules will be banned from further participation in this event. Any fines for not following the corona measures below are at the expense of the individual participant.
COVID-19 measures:
- In order to participate in this event, we work with testing for access (see below for details).
- If you or your guest have corona-related symptoms or have to stay in home quarantine after coming from an orange or red country, then unfortunately you can’t participate in this event. Please stay at home, and in case of symptoms, get yourself tested by calling 0800-1202 and cancel your registration here.
- If one of your roommates tested for the covid-19 virus and is their result positive or unknown, then you can’t participate in this event. Stay at home and cancel your registration.
- Please respect the time slot that you will be given.
- Don't come sooner than five minutes before your timeslot starts.
- Taken to account that although the 1,5-meter measure has been cancelled, the advice is to still keep a 1,5-meter distance from each other when possible.
Don't forget to:
- Use your elbow when you have to cough or sneeze
- Wash your hands whenever you have touched surfaces.
- Don't shake hands
- Use paper tissues
- Make room for each other and others around you and obey the regulations
Testing for access
At the entrance of the graduation ceremony on 2 October 2021, you need to show a QR code from the CoronaCheck app. You can download the Dutch app in the Play/App Store. If you have a negative test result, access will be granted. You can get the QR code in three ways:
- You have been fully vaccinated for two weeks with an EMA approved vaccine. If you have been vaccinated outside the European Union, make sure to check whether this vaccination is accepted according to European standards. If you have been vaccinated, we would like to ask you to do a self-test, just to be sure. If you are vaccinated abroad and the vaccine is approved in Europe, that is good as well. Make sure that in all cases you have a valid QR Code. An offline record without a QR code is not valid.
- You have tested negative in the past 24 hours. You can schedule this test (for free) via Testing for Access at www.testenvoortoegang.org. After you had your test, you need to create a QR code in the corona check app.
- You have proof of recovery
Pay attention: a test result must not be older than 24 hours. Anyone who cannot provide a valid proof on the day of the event must test on location to join the ceremony and is responsible for the costs of approximately € 49,50.
Click here for more information of the Dutch government about attending an event.
Graduation Ceremony Rotterdam Business School
Rotterdam Business School rbs-events@hr.nl
Rotterdam Business School rbs-events@hr.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/graduationrbs2021
Graduation Ceremony Rotterdam Business SchoolGraduation Ceremony Rotterdam Business School0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wings Hotel in RotterdamWings Hotel in RotterdamRotterdam Airportplein 55 3045 AP Rotterdam Netherlands