Travel Key Information
Fletcher Hotel Willibrordhaeghe
Vlierdenseweg 109
5753 AC Deurne
The Netherlands
Telephone number: +31-(0)493750910
Contact persons:
Chris Onstein
Mobile & WhatsApp: +31- 6 40785265
Maira Perez
Mobile & WhatsApp: +31- 6 49598848
How to get there:
By car:
Type in the above-mentioned address in your navigation system.
Free parking is available.
By airplane from Airport Schiphol (Amsterdam):
From Schiphol Airport you take the train to Deurne. This takes 2 hours. In Deurne you can take a bus.
By airplane from Airport Eindhoven:
From Schiphol Airport you take the bus to station Eindhoven Centraal. At station Eindhoven you take a train to Deurne. This takes 1 hour. In Deurne you can take a bus.
By train and bus:
Train station Eindhoven Central -> Train station Deurne
- Train leaves every 15 minutes, duration 22 minutes
Train station Deurne -> Fletcher Hotel Willibrordhaeghe: 20 minute walk
Train station Deurne -> Fletcher Hotel Willibrordhaeghe: 4 minutes by bus (Buurtbus 266), stop Vlierdenseweg/Binderendreef
Check for the most up-to-date timetable for trains!
Check for the most up-to-date timetable for busses!
For those of you who have asked to use our bus from Eindhoven central station to Deurne:
You find the location of the bus here. The bus company is called Bergerhof Tours.
Our students will direct you to the bus. You will recognize them in white T-shirts with our logo.
You can step up between 15.45-16.00h. The bus will leave promptly at 16.00h!
International Travelling Summer School on Terahertz Science and Technology (ITSS-TSaT)
International Travelling Summer School on Terahertz Science and Technology (ITSS-TSaT)
International Travelling Summer School on Terahertz Science and Technology (ITSS-TSaT)noreply@mailing.tue.nl
International Travelling Summer School on Terahertz Science and Technology (ITSS-TSaT)International Travelling Summer School on Terahertz Science and Technology (ITSS-TSaT)0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced