Posters and presentations
Due to the pandemic situation, the first MUDNET conference will be online.
The plenary lectures will be given using the platform ZOOM. Regular powerpoint (or pdf) presentations can be given. The presenters will be able to share their screen and give their presentations. We kindly ask attendees to mute their microphones during the plenary lectures.
The research presentations/posters will be posted in virtual rooms on the platform Spatial Chat. The files need to be uploaded by us before the start of the conference. We therefore kindly request attendees to send their files in jpeg or png format to on the 25th of March the latest, so that we can prepare the rooms. When sending your files, please indicate if you have any objection to have them included in the bundle of submitted files. This pdf bundle will be sent to all attendees before the conference. The room where the poster is presented will be indicated in the pdf, with the title of the poster and the name of presenter.
There are no specific recommendations for posters. We advise to use an A3 or A4 format. It is possible to submit one poster (A3 format), but also a few slides (A4 format) that will be posted next to each other.
Due to the large amount of research presentations/posters and the constraints of an online meeting, we decided not to have poster pitches. However, we have reserved 3 hours in total for the poster sessions, and we hope that the online platform we have chosen (Spatial Chat) will enable lively discussions around the posters!
MUDNET 2021 Conference
MUDNET 2021 Conferencemudnet@tudelft.nl
MUDNET 2021 ConferenceMUDNET 2021 Conference0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced