Community Cafés
A Community Café focuses on interaction and dialogue among participants. At a community café, see topics below, you join participants in a conversation about a topic. The conversation is guided by a moderator.
All Community Cafés start at 13:40h.
Impact Learning
The location is the Doelenzaal in the Universiteitsbibliotheek.
'As educators and educational developers, we think it iss valuable to provide students with education that allows them not only to learn about society but also to make an impact. By impact learning, we mean education that allows students to contribute to positive social change.'
Drs Katusha Sol and Drs Rosanne van Wieringen started the Special Interest Group (SIG) Impact Learning, a collaboration between the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies] (IIS) and the Teaching & Learning Centre. This SIG is a network with the aim to make impact learning more common practice at the UvA and to exchange knowledge between interested parties and experts by experience. In this community café you will discuss why impact learning is important and how you can implement impact learning in the curriculum. The moderation will be done by Drs Rosanne van Wieringen and Drs Katusha Sol.
The location is the Bibliotheek at the Singelkerk.
During the Special Interest Group (SIG) Sustainability community café, you will engage in a conversation about sustainability in education. The SIG Sustainability aims to strengthen the network of lecturers who are motivated to include more sustainability elements in higher education. We aim to form a community in which we share our knowledge (needs), exchange experiences in designing education that incorporates core elements of sustainability education, as well as useful literature, approaches, methods, manuals, assignments and forms of testing. Moderation is provided by Dr Coyan Tromp.
Fair, Resilient and Inclusive Societies (FRIS)
The location is Kerkenraadskamer in the Singelkerk.
The UvA is committed to promoting the development of fair, resilient and inclusive societies, which ensure the wellbeing of all citizens. Especially now, as we live in times of rising inequalities and major social, political and economic transitions, the question grows; what role can we, as university educators, play in understanding and addressing such pressing issues with our students? And how would you (want to) create an inclusive educational environment where emancipatory and developmental learning flourish in order to contribute to a more socially just, inclusive, regenerative society?
Feel welcome to join our Fair, Resilient and Inclusive (FRIS) Community Café, where we create time and space to meet each other, and we begin to reflect on the above questions. We welcome your suggestions on the FRIS Special Interest Group, which will commence in 2023. Moderation by Dr Mieke Lopes Cardozo.
The role of interdisciplinarity in the learning community
The location is Potgieterszaal in the Universiteitsbibliotheek
During this Community Café chaired by Dr Eelke Heemskerk, interdisciplinarity will take centre stage. What is the value and difficulty of interdisciplinarity in education within the UvA? And what consequences does interdisciplinarity have for the role of the UvA in a broader societal learning community. During this Community Café, participants will first engage in a plenary discussion and then talk in small groups about the role of interdisciplinarity and what it could mean for the UvA. At the end, the findings of the groups will be discussed plenary.
Dr Eelke Heemskerk is the programme director of the new Computational Social Science programme. In that capacity, Heemskerk is occupied with the question: what should students know at the end of their studies and which skills should they possess? By means of interdisciplinarity and project education, the Computational Social Sciences programme aims to have students build up a relationship with a broader societal learning community that goes beyond an internship and guest lectures.
Onderwijsdag 2022
Onderwijsdag 2022congres@uva.nl
Onderwijsdag 2022Onderwijsdag 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Singelkerk Amsterdam (plenary start at 12.30)Singelkerk Amsterdam (plenary start at 12.30)Herengracht 431 1017 AW Amsterdam Netherlands