Submission instructions
- PhD students are expected to submit an abstract of their research project.
- Even if you have just started your PhD and you do not have any (or not much) data yet, we ask you to submit an abstract and give a pitch about what your research is (or will be) about.
- To upload your abstract (and pitch) you need to create an account here.
- The submission deadline is 19 January 2024. Afterwards, all abstracts will be screened and allocated to one of the parallel sessions. In these sessions, you will give a 5-minute pitch (in person) on your research.
- The slides for your pitch need to be submitted to this website on 4 March 2024, latest.
Please see the ‘abstract information’ and ‘pitch information’ for more instructions regarding your submission. We are looking forward to receiving your submissions!
MHeNs Research Day 2024
Damaris Kentgenssecr-mhens@maastrichtuniversity.nl
MHeNs Research Day 2024MHeNs Research Day 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Van der Valk HotelVan der Valk HotelNijverheidsweg 35 6227 AL Maastricht Netherlands