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National Kickoff event Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) Sector Plan Resilience in Youth
Date: April, 17, 2024
Time: 12:30 – 16.30 hours
Location: Van der Valk Hotel - Amstel
Today's youth are simultaneously vulnerable and critical to the future of our society. Recognizing the urgency of the complex and important issues surrounding youth, the SSH Sector Plan invests in interdisciplinary research and education to improve and strengthen resilience in youth. To truly understand and address their pressing needs, we must break down institutional silos and embrace interdisciplinary collaboration. The SSH Sector Plan encourages us to build bridges to address more complex research questions, to increase the diversity and inclusion of perspectives, and to share expertise and best practices. To do this effectively, we must first get to know each other.
On April 17, 2024 (12.30-17.00 hours), we will organize our National Kickoff event SSH Sector Plan Resilience in Youth to start getting to know each other. There will be activities to meet or deepen your relationships with researchers who share a passion for pushing the boundaries of youth resilience research by crossing boarders. It’s a chance to meet like-minded, potential collaborators who can accelerate the interdisciplinarity of your research. Get ready to be inspired, empowered, and discover the endless possibilities of interdisciplinary research. Secure your place today!
Save the date and get ready for a dynamic day of inspiration, empowerment, and networking!
Please preregister now via tab Register
We are very much looking forward to meeting you and embark on the interdisciplinary journey of the SSH Sector Plan theme Resilience in Youth together!
On behalf of the national SSH Youth resilience team,
Tina Kretschmer (RUG)
Jacqueline Vink (RU)
Anne Laura van Harmelen (UL)
Loes Keijsers (EUR)
Renske Keizer (EUR)
Meike Bartels (VU)
Catrin Finkenauer (UU)
More details on the programme will follow.
Please note we also invite you for our "Doing Interdisciplinarity in Youth Research" symposium on April 18th. You will receive a separate Save the date for this, however if you can't wait.... please click here to pre-register for this event too.
National meeting Sectorplan Theme Youth Resilience spring 2024
National meeting Sectorplan Theme Youth Resilience spring
National meeting Sectorplan Theme Youth Resilience spring 2024nienke@nekzt.nl
National meeting Sectorplan Theme Youth Resilience spring 2024National meeting Sectorplan Theme Youth Resilience spring 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced