Welcome from Iconic Houses
Join us next May for our exciting new event: IH City Icons!
This small but significant tour conference is open to anyone with a passion for architecture and will take place during the years between the biannial IH Conferences. Cultural enthusiasts can enjoy a fascinating behind-the-scenes experience. Museum professionals can benefit from an intensive weekend of knowledge-sharing about museum management and insightful discussions with colleagues. Visits to modern house museums and lectures by experts open up a new world. As well as visiting Amsterdam’s modern house museums, this programme offers a unique opportunity to visit the latest architectural marvels, which are not normally open to the public.
FOLLOW THIS LINK for photos of all the house museums and privately residences that are included in the tour program.
From Merchants to Modernists
IH City Icons makes its debut with Amsterdam: Housing Highlights. On Friday 24, Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 May 2024, we will be exploring Amsterdam’s unique residential architecture – from its Golden Age roots in the world-famous 17th century Canal District, to the modernist social housing heritage, and its present-day fruits in the form of striking new residential projects. Amsterdam is home to many architectural treasures, dating from the Middele Ages tp the present day. An introductory talk puts everything in context and tells you what to look out for on the tours.
With the global move to the city, and the increasing interest in social housing and new forms of co-living and co-working, these homes have much to offer us. We hope you will join us for a tour that will not only tell us about the past, but also inspire some ideas for the future. Plus, Europe is lovely in the spring and there are many other events to enjoy – why not combine Amsterdam with a visit to the Venice Biennale, for example?
We look forward to seeing you in Amsterdam in May!
Natascha Drabbe
Founder and Executive Director Iconic Houses Network
Foundation Board International Advisory Board
Nanne de Ru, Chair Iveta Černá, Director of Villa Tugendhat
Huub Wüst, Treasurer Anne Rowe, Director of Heritage, Sunnylands Center & Gardens
Hetty Berens, Member Justin W. Gunther, Director of Fallingwater
Marcel van Soest, Secretary Katya Degrieck, Head of Large Partnerships, N. Europe at Google
We thank The Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands for supporting this initiative.
Site Partners and Home Owners
We would like to extend thanks also to the site partners and homeowners who host our visits: Tracy Metz and Baptist Brayé at StadsSalon; Martijn Bosch, Director of the Museum of the Canals; Ellen Wilbrink, Director of Museum Het Schip and Museum De Dageraad; Jorn Konijn, Director of Van Eesteren Pavilion and Van Eesteren Museum Apartment; Yara Cavalcanti, Board Member André Volten Foundation; Uri Gilad, Architect, co-founder and partner at Office Winhov and Architect Femke Poppinga, both owner of an apartment in the Skyscraper; Sculptor Ida Kleiterp and Painter Jan Grotenbreg, both owner of a Zomerdijkstraat Studio House; Mikel van Gelderen and Ruud van der Helm, guiding us through their Live/Work Building Tetterode; Carol Schade, dancer at movement theatre BEWTH and Architect Branimir Medi Medić, Architect partner de Architekten Cie., both owner of one of the Drive-in houses; Cees van der Spek, Global Corporate Relations & Marketing Director at EDGE, developer of MVRDV's Valley; Gijs Rikken, Architect and Associate Design Director at MVRDV and Oscar Hammerstein, owner of an apartment in Valley; Sluishuis IJburg, Dirk Peters, Architect and Director at Barcode Architects; JONAS, Jeroen Schipper, Architect and Founding partner Orange Architects.
For the latest information on the program, please consult our website: www.iconichouses.org.
ICONIC HOUSES FOUNDATION • Pieterskerkhof 8 • 3512 JR, Utrecht • The Netherlands
Mobile phone +31 622 690711 • note office hours CET • info@iconichouses.org • www.iconichouses.org
2024 City Icons Amsterdam - Housing Highlights
Natascha Drabbeinfo@iconichouses.org
Natascha Drabbeinfo@iconichouses.orghttps://www.aanmelder.nl/2024cityiconsamsterdam
2024 City Icons Amsterdam - Housing Highlights2024 City Icons Amsterdam - Housing Highlights0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced