BioSB PI meeting - May 19
Since a few years the communities of bioinformatics (NBIC) and systems biology (NCSB/SB@NL) have been working together to build the BioSB research school.
The BioSB Education Programme is up and running since January 2014 and two conferences have been organized (2014, 2015). The website is active since January 2014 and a regular newsletter is sent out with news and information relating to Bioinformatics and Systems Biology.
Behind the scenes, a small group has been working on developing a sustainable model for BioSB, since our community can no longer count on funding from NBIC, NCSB or SB@NL. On May 19, 2015 the BioSB Board (Jaap Heringa, Lodewyk Wessels, Barbara Bakker) will give you an update on the latest developments concerning the BioSB research school.
The BioSB board invites all bioinformatics and systems biology PI’s interested to join the meeting.
Date: May 19, 2015
Time: 20:00 h - 22:30 h
Venue: Congrescentrum De Werelt in Lunteren
Among others the following topics will be presented/discussed:
- update from the BioSB board: Jaap Heringa, Lodewyk Wessels and Barbara Bakker
- the membership model of the research school
- the BioSB Education Programme
- latest news on BioSB activities: e.g. ECCB 2016, ELIXIR-NL/DTL
- (inter)national collaboration; e.g. GOBLET, EPS, LUMC
We will of course provide for something to eat (sandwiches & warm snack) at the start of the meeting and afterwards we can meet at the conference bar for a drink.
To register for the meeting, please send an E-mail to Celia van Gelder ( Please also mention if you have any food allergies or diet restrictions.
It is also possible to book a hotel room at the conference hotel for May 19th for the special prize of 40 Euro. You can make reservations by sending an E-mail to in which you specify your name and address and indicate that you would like to book a ‘voorovernachting’ on May 19th. You are kindly asked to pay your hotel room at check-in.
We hope to meet you all on May 19th in Lunteren!
Best wishes,
on behalf of the BioSB Board
Jaap Heringa
Barbara Bakker
Lodewyk Wessels
BioSB 2015
Femke Francissenevents@health-ri.nl
BioSB 2015BioSB 20150.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Conference Centre De WereltConference Centre De WereltWesthofflaan 2 6741 KH Lunteren Netherlands