Human Neuroanatomy 2021.
5 - 8 July
Only places for joining online are available
Human Neuroanatomy and its clinical application
The course is intended for PhD students in the field of neurosciences, neuropathology, psychology and psychiatry. The course will provide an overview on human neuroanatomy and imaging techniques like (f)MRI and PET, through background information and lectures. In addition, the anatomical changes in selected diseases and the application to clinical diagnostics will be presented. Furthermore, hands on practical trainings like microscopy and dissection of the human brain will be organized.
The course will be organized in a hybrid way.
A maximum of 15 participants can physically attend the practical part of the course (macroanatomy and microscopy on July 6-7). All other attendants may attend online July 5, 7 (Masterclass) and July 8.
All other parts of the course or either pre-recorded or will be live streamed. Background information and material will be provided on all aspects of the programme in advance.
The interactive seminars will be organized via live streaming and are based on a selection for one of the three topics. Preparation in advance is required.
Registration fee:
- Complete programme EURON Partner: € 170,-
- Complete programme External University: € 270,-
- Complete programme Industry: € 400,-
- Online part (July 5 and 8): € 50,-
School for Mental Health and Neuroscience, Maastricht University
Ali Jahanshahi, Gunter Kenis, Boris Kramer, Jörg Mey, Nicole Senden and Damaris Kentgens
The course yields 2 ECTS points.
NOTE: This course is NOT open to pregnant women, because of exposure to neurotoxic chemicals.
Human Neuroanatomy Course
Damaris Kentgenssecr.euron@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Human Neuroanatomy CourseHuman Neuroanatomy Course0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Maastricht UniversityMaastricht UniversityUniversiteitssingel 40 6229 ER Maastricht Netherlands