
APRIL 11 - 13, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

For over 15 years the Netherlands Heart Days (NHD) have served as the foremost annual gathering for Dutch and Caribbean cardiovascular imagers. We are pleased to announce that, starting April 2024, the NHD and NASKHO will jointly assume full responsibility for organizing and coordinating this prestigious event. Consequently, we will gradually start using the name  Dutch-Caribbean Heart Days (DCHD).

The 16th DCHD will be held April 11 – 13, 2024, in the Ballroom of the Renaissance Hotel in Willemstad, Curaçao.

The  meeting will feature a spectrum from basic principles towards (advanced) clinical applications and scientific innovations. From this year onwards also the local perspectives from the Caribbean to South America will be highlighted in new sessions. A special evening session is organized for GP’s besides the main program. The program will also be appealing for pulmonologists, pediatric cardiologists, internal medicine MD’s, residents and technicians. Besides topical sessions covering the clinical implications of the findings, the technical aspects and imaging protocols, and top-notch scientific content on cardiac imaging will be addressed. Most sessions will feature examples of actual clinical cases and how novel techniques, methods and interventions can be used to better diagnose and treat patients with a variety of diseases affecting the heart.

The congenial and collaborative atmosphere of the congress offers excellent opportunities for networking and jumpstarting multicenter collaborations and research projects.

Save the date and come join us in Curaçao!

Boards of NASKHO and NHD

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