Upload of poster and slides
log into your dashboard at:
(After login you should see your abstract, here click on „Edit“ under „Action“-Tab. In the next screen you will see a box called „Attachments“ in the right column. Please select your file (should be a PDF) and then upload it.)
Posters uploaded prior to 9 June 13:00 CET have been downloaded by the congress organisation and are no longer visible in the abstract submission system. Authors who failed to upload their posters in time are responsible for printing their posters themselves. Your poster should also be uploaded for display in the ORCA 2023 Program application. Information how to download the app and register will be sent to all participants soon. We are currently filling the content of the app, but this can only be done successfully with your help.
Please remember to upload your slides (pdf 2 slides, no animations) by 23 June 2023 13:00 CET. Please start the filename with your poster number as allocated in the program e.g. 95_Wijzenbeek_slides.pdf.
Poster format
A0 (84.1cm x 118.9cm) in portrait format.
Key dates, file format and sizes
Posters (PDF file max 5Mb) Friday 2 June 2023 13:00 CET
Slides (PDF file max 1MB, 2 slides without animations) Friday 23 June 2023 13:00 CET
Poster preparation
The ORCA concept makes that you as researcher can learn more about your own study during the congress. The poster component is one of the ways to excite congress attendees to think about your study with you. Please be aware that an appealing poster will attract more viewers and promotes discussion. The poster viewing and presenter discussion can help you get much more out of your study than you could have done by yourself. On the other hand, you can help other researchers by thinking critically about their posters by asking them questions yourself.
So make your poster attractive, by keeping in mind:
- Everybody can read your abstract in the app easily (so no need for putting a complete abstract on your poster)
- Graphics can help you to get the most out of your presentation
- The mandatory size for your poster is A0 (84.1cm x 118.9cm) in portrait format. Larger sizes or landscape format will not fit.
Printing service
To make your visit to the conference easier and more comfortable, we have a poster printing service included in the registration. Please make sure to upload your poster as a PDF file (5MB maximum) by Friday 2 June 2023 13:00 CET. Filename abstract number_Presenter full name.pdf. The abstract number can be found in the overview of poster sessions. Please be aware that missing the deadline implies that your are responsible for printing of your poster yourself.
Poster viewing
Please be at your poster prior to the start of your poster sessions viewing time, please check the schedule. You should do your best to stand at your poster for the entirety of poster viewing time.
We will take care of removing posters at the end of each day. Your poster will be available for display in real size on digital poster boards throughout the remainder of the congress and via the program booklet in the congress app.
Oral poster discussions
All posters will be discussed in their assigned session. Authors are requested to highlight their research in 2 minutes followed by a 5-minute discussion. Please be concise and stick to the allotted time.
Authors are requested to prepare a maximum of 2 slides without animations or special effects, that contain the essence of your research. Please do not attempt to fit your entire poster into 1 or 2 slides.
Please upload your slides as a PDF file (1Mb maximum) by Friday 23 June 2023 13:00 CET.
In case of difficulties with uploading your files and the answer is not given above you can e-mail m.vd.veen@acta.nl
ORCA 2023
Registration website for ORCA 2023ORCA 2023congres@uva.nl
ORCA 2023congres@uva.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/133980
ORCA 2023ORCA 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Hotel ZuiderduinHotel ZuiderduinZeeweg 52 1931VL Egmond aan Zee Netherlands