Event Registration
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5 statistics for more insight in your event - aanmelder.nl

1. Bounce percentage

De bouncerate  is the number of visitors that leave your website without any interaction. With interaction we mean ‘looking at several pages during one visit”. When the bouncerate is 40%, it means that 40% of all visitors only viewed one page of your website.

When visitors decide to go to another page on your website, they will not bounce. This is the standard rule within analytics, but you can manipulate this by changing the set up a session duration or scrolldepth in the filters options.

Before you check this statistic, you need to determine what bounce fits your event website. Do you only have one webpage on your website? Then a bouncerate of 100% makes sense. The statistic doesn’t tell you anything. I would advise you to manipulate the bouncepercentage in this case.

What bouncerate is acceptable for you? Determine this before you launch your event website.

2. Goals

By setting up goals in Google Analytics you can monitor  how many registrations you have for your event. This goal is probably the most relevant  statistic. You have to determine what goals suit your event and how you want to set this up in Google Analytics. Here are more examples of relevant goals:

  • A contact form submission or a click on a callurl.
  • A sign-up from a sponsor.
  • A download of a PDF file (floor plan, flyers etc)
  • A confirmation of registration through an url in an email.
  • A log in to a specific environment
  • Downloading an app.

When you have set up your goals with a funnel, you can see which visitors  did not finish the goal and leave the conversion flow early. Do you sell tickets for your event? Then set up the amount so you have a clear overview of the revenue.

This will give you insight in the success of the online registration process and the behaviour of the visitors on your website.

3. Sources

Do you use social media, e-mail or other marketing channels to promote your event? In the dashboard acquisition you’ll see which channel is most succesfull. For each source you can see how many sessions, conversions, duration and bounces a particular source delivers.

Do you want to know exactly how much every marketing action delivers? I advise you to work with UTM codes. You can copy-paste a special script to the existing URL that measures the exact activity. You can find the results in the report campaign’s. For using UTM codes you can read this article.

4. Multi Channel Funnels

This report shows a combination of goals and channels. You’ll find statistics that show you how many times and via which sources  a participant has visited the event website. You can see which sources are responsible for the first visit and which source is responsible for the conversion. This is a better distribution to determine which marketing actions contribute the most to the event.

You can also check out the path length report to see how many days participants took to have the first interaction and convert and which are the best conversion paths.

5. Audience

Audience statistics don’t tell you more about the success of your event, but give you insight about your target audience. Where they are from, which interests they have, which devices they use and what age category they belong to.

With these statistics you can see whether you have targeted  the right audience.

Google analytics for events

Google analytics is a free tool. In your aanmelder.nl account you can connect Google Analytics to your event website. From the moment that both accounts are connected, the data will be measured. Historic data cannot be retrieved. So always do this when you’re building the website. Set up goals right away so you collect clean data from the start of your event.

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