Event statistics

Real-time insight into event data

Statistics are essential for the evaluation of an event. They will tell you more about the success of your event, but also about the user behavior and popularity of various parts of your event.

The statistics will show how many participants visited your event, but also the number of no shows, how much turnover is made with ticket sales and the answers to the survey questions.

With all this data you will have more insight in the success of your event and the follow-up to your participants will be easier. This data will help you to reach the purpose of the event. The valuable feedback allows you to take your upcoming events to a next level.

Real-time data

The statistics are real-time. Which means that you always have up-to-date insight into the number of participants, registrations, changes and pending payments of the event.

Sending out surveys

Send a survey to the attendees to receive feedback after an event. This feedback will give you new insights and possible improvements for a next event.


The statistics in aanmelder.nl will give you the opportunity to a more personal and direct follow up to your participants after the event. After all, a personal follow-up will have a better result.

To measure is to know


Statistics dashboard

Check the most important statistics at a glance.


Statistics per question

You can see all the statistics from the survey on 1 screen.


Statistics exports

Create different data exports for further processing.


Create Surveys

Send out surveys to attendees so they can give feedback about the event.


Statistics shared

Share all or a selection of the statistics from the survey with your stakeholders.

ISO certified

In order to protect your data and that of your participants, aanmelder.nl is ISO 27001 certified for information security and ISO 9001 certified for quality management. This is part of our effort to comply with the requirements of the GDPR.

Download the certificate


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Event Check in

How to prevent and manage queues at events

Discover how to manage event queues effectively with practical tips. Unlock the secret to improved waiting experiences and streamlined check-ins for...

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