35 Ice-breakers for network and business events that actually work
35 effective icebreakers for networking and business introductions that improve the atmosphere and get conversations flowing. Perfect for your next...
Passionate software developers and commercial specialists
We work for and with people. We value that more than anything else. Our customers and relations appreciate the way we interact with them.
We work to create value. For the customer, for the company or for a colleague. We only do something if we feel it contributes to something better. We don’t do work that doens’t have to be done. We only do work that contributes.
If a customer, colleague or a different party have a problem, we feel it too. Even though we did not cause the problem. We will always collaborate to reach a solution.
We always strive for the best possible result. We actively try to improve our work daily. Positive feedback, negative feedback. Any feedback will do, really.
Using new techniques and modes of work distinguish us from the rest. We are autonomous thinkers and we think out of the box. Every team member is responsible for innovation.
Energized and with a good dosage of stamina we work on all of our projects.
aanmelder.nl is a growing and we are always looking for new talent to join our team. In the coming year we expect to expand our team in the areas of sales, design, frontend, marketing, support and finance.We work with the Holacracy method in stead of tradional management. Every quarter there is a (digital) outing and regular drinks. Successes are celebrated! Of course, good work also includes a good salary.
35 effective icebreakers for networking and business introductions that improve the atmosphere and get conversations flowing. Perfect for your next...
Follow the launch of aanmelder.nl's User experience page, where the need of the client inspires the product improvement!
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