
Tips, trends, how-to’s and news

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New features event management

New feature: Filter sponsors by ranks!

Learn how to rank and sort sponsors by tier. New useful website builder feature. Enhance your visitors' user experience. Find out how it works!


Check out our dynamic new brand identity

Discover's new brand identity! Unveiled on Feb 11, it features fresh visuals, bold colors, and reflects our growth in the events...


22 Event ideas to inspire & make an impact

22 educational event ideas that inspire and make an impact. Innovative learning experiences, future-focused skills, and practical examples for your...

New features event management

New Feature: Easily Add Links to Your Images

Learn how to easily add URLs to images on your event website. Enhance your visitors' user experience. Find out how it works!


Quick and easy speaker uploads!

Quick and easy: add multiple speakers at once! Upload your list in one go using Excel. Efficient, simple, and time-saving.

Event Registration

Event visitor registration

Event visitor registration: from online registration to storing participant data, learn how to manage your event safely and efficiently.